
device.request(path: string): Promise;
device.request(path: string, data: object): Promise;
device.request(request: RequestParams, optional_data?: object): Promise;

The device.request method will add a request to the queue and return a promise when the request is fullfilled by the device. The arguments match typically HTTP syntax and the API is the same. For a list of the API, see the HTTP API section of this document.


parameter type description
path string A URL representing the resource for the request
data? any Optional data if this is a post request
timeout? number Optional amount of milliseconds to wait for a response (default 8 seconds)
retry? number Optional number of times to try request before throwing error

Supported Errors

error description
timeout The device took to long to respond to the request
cancel The caller destroyed all pending requests
device The device sent an error

Example GET Request

  .then(resp => console.log(resp))
  .catch(error => console.log(error));

Example POST Request

device.request("/ATX/network/ip",{ip: ""})
  .then(resp => console.log(resp))
  .catch(error => console.log(error));


The underlying transport protocol being used is ZMTP (+TLS). The API just looks like HTTP