Alert types

GET /ATX/alerts/types

Returns a list of all the supported alert types for the product. Different products may support different alert types. For a detailed list of each alert type per product please reference the product specific api notes for your specific product. Below describes the API format in general form for all products.

Example request:

GET /ATX/alerts/types HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "types": {
    "acFail": {
      "name": "acFail",
      "mesg": "AC input failure",
      "timer": 0
    "acFailR": {
      "name": "acFailR",
      "mesg": "AC input return",
      "timer": 0
    "battFail": {
      "name": "battFail",
      "mesg": "Battery fail",
      "timer": 0
    "battFailR": {
      "name": "battFailR",
      "mesg": "Battery return",
      "timer": 0
    "sysUp": {
      "name": "sysUp",
      "mesg": "System Startup",
      "timer": 0
    "...continued": {
      "...": ""
Response JSON Object:
  • name (string) – The name of alert. Is a KEY property to map alerts with a human readable message
  • mesg (string) – The message describing the alert.
  • timer (number) – A number in seconds used to filter alerts. When an alert condition only persists for less than x seconds, the alert will be filtered